Saturday, January 31, 2009

DaddyDay Letdown

We had all sorts of fun plans for DaddyDay today. The McWane Center. The park. Maybe a good game of corn-hole (What, you don't know about corn-hole? I'll fill you in on the details another day.)

We didn't quite get to all (or any!) of that, though, because Jack and I spent a good portion of the day at Children's Hospital.

Everything is fine, but he and Abigail had a little run-in in the living room this morning. Jack came up screaming, and he couldn't walk on his right leg. After the tears had stopped, we gave him a few minutes to try to "walk it out", but each time he tried, he just fell over on the floor.

Time to call the doctor.

Needless to say, they brought us in and examined him for a variety of potential conditions, but each test and x-ray for the more serious problems came back negative (no ligament tears or fractures). The diagnosis? A knee sprain and deep tissue bruise. So we're taking it easy for the rest of the weekend (and trying to convince Jack to do the same!) He's such a trooper, and he's been an angel all day long.

When he first got hurt, our whole family huddled around Jack and prayed for his little knee to be OK...and we're so thankful that it is!

I hope your DaddyDay was more fun than ours, and I hope we all have a nice day of rest tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We heard about Jack's little "fender bender" with Abby, and are so thankful neither of them were hurt. Another prayer answered! (And another doctor bill to pay, LOL). I'm glad Jack had nothing but a bad bruise as a result of their play.

Love, Aunt Libby