Friday, July 3, 2009

Are "Spontaneous" and "Unprepared" the Same Thing?

Josh's office was closed today, so we got an extra DaddyDay this week! We decided to shake things up a little, so as soon as everyone was up (which wasn't until after 9:00...hallelujah!), we skipped the traditional cinnamon-roll breakfast, and we ran over to Panera Bread for some bagels. After we ate, we left with the intent of going to the zoo, but we had a mid-drive change of plans, and we decided to go hiking at Moss Rock Preserve in Hoover instead.

We get a big, fat "A" for spontaneity, but we fail miserably for appropriate shoe choice. Between the five of us, we were sporting sandals, Crocs, flip-flops, and good old-fashioned bare feet.

Despite our pitiful footwear, we had a splendid morning...and we got a killer workout as well (that's what I call carrying a 23-pound baby up and down a mountain in the Ergo for a couple of hours...Killer. Workout.)

I'm having to face some tough realities when it comes to family-time, though. As much as I LOVE taking photos to document our days and as dear as those pictures are to me, I'm finding that I'm missing the forest for the trees. I'm getting so wrapped up in capturing every tiny detail of the day that I don't think I always savor the days for what they are...time with my family. I've gotten home a couple of times recently and felt like I had plenty of quality time...with Nikon. I walked out of the house and left my camera sitting on the desk. On purpose.

Now keep in mind that when we left home, I thought we were going to the zoo. And if I've got one picture of the little ones at the zoo, I've got 300. But when we changed course and decided to hit the trails instead, I was feeling a little regretful of my decision. But two minutes into our time at Boulder Field (which is exactly what its name suggests), I knew it was probably a good thing the camera had stayed behind. We did lots of climbing and exploring, and I'm not sure my heart the Nikon could have handled it.

But man, it would have been so nice to have a couple of shots from our fabulous morning!

Oh wait, I just remembered (hee-hee)...

As hard as I tried to go one full day without taking a single picture, I just couldn't stand missing out on documenting our family hike. So without further ado, I present to you...

iPhone pictures!!!!

The kids had a three-foot climbing limit, but Josh took things to higher heights. The first picture is of him about 15 feet above us on a massive boulder, and the second is of him looking down on us sandwiched in a narrow space between his boulder and the one behind us. Unfortunately, neither picture does much to show how incredible this place is.

Should have had the Nikon.

And some tennis shoes.

1 comment:

Anna said...

i am once again impressed with your daddy day adventures. as much as i want you to see things NOT though a camera lens, i sure do enjoy your pictures! :) i do understand though. you really miss all of that peripheral view! love you guys!