Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I'm Not Going To Tell You The Story...

...but poor Josh had a really rough night last night. I was in the shower because I was about to head out the door for my first homeschool meeting (and I didn't want the other moms there to have any reason to believe I don't get a shower everyday). So Josh was getting all the little ones ready for their bath when he came upon a horrid scene. Now like I said, I'm not going to tell you the story, but I will tell you this...

The story that I'm not going to recount would theoretically have poop as its main subject. And the verbs I would use would most likely be smeared, tracked, and slathered. And the story would probably have a quick line about Josh throwing up in his mouth.

But I'm not going to tell you the story...

I'm not even going to tell you about my first homeschool meeting. Instead, I'm going to let you read this for a good, I-Can-Totally-Relate laugh.


Anna said...

one word: ewwwwww! one more word (bc i could never just leave a 3 word comment): yippee!

Anonymous said...

"Pooooor Josh", she attempts to type while laughing hysterically!
I really do feel for you, Josh!
No, really! (Hee,hee,hee....)
PS You know I love you!