It's been a "couple of days" since I posted anything on this old blog of ours. And as God would have it, we've also had a "couple of days" of weather.
Coincidence? I think not.
Actually, on Monday, I was pretty sure my head was going to explode right off of my shoulders. I've never had a headache quite like the one I had all that day and part of Tuesday, so I excused myself from writing any new posts. (I also excused myself from cooking, cleaning, and teaching -- but that's water under the proverbial bridge now, right?)
As soon as I got up and felt the cool temperature outside yesterday, I just knew we'd have to make the most of it. Autumn is hands down my favorite season of the year. I love the cool weather and I
adore the crisp breeze, the sound it makes as it whisks past the leaves barely hanging onto the trees above. So once we were all up and fed (breakfast out on the back porch, of course), we hopped in the car and drove with the windows down to the park to savor the perfect weather. I mean, look at that sky!

At one point, Izzy just stood -- perfectly still -- on top of the playset and let the breeze rush past her for a while. That's my girl.

The sun was a bit harsh for great photos, but the flare I got on this one of Jack was perfect.

Those eyes get me every time!
After we had played on the playset for a while, we decided to do a little rock-climbing -- preschool style.

Apparently climbing wasn't of much interest to Isabel, so she opted for rock-

There was, of course, the daily required game of "peek-a-boo"...

...and plenty of picture-taking. Once Abby had reached the "summit" (the highest point of the rock she was climbing was
at least two feet off the ground), I grabbed her for a few shots.

The way the light was hitting that blonde hair of hers was so gorgeous!

I asked Jack to hop up with Abby for a picture, and he definitely brought a different dynamic to the photo. This is so Jack.

I really love these next two photos of Abby -- they're so perfectly quirky. Her hair is a complete mess, the wind is blowing everything in her face, and she's got the most adorable, goofy expression in the first one. Perfect!

And these last two are just so sweet, I could cry.

From the park, we stopped by the pediatrician's office for a slightly less enjoyable visit. Jack had has three-year checkup, and after measuring and weighing in at a hefty 75th percentile, it was back home for lunch and naps for the little two. Since our morning had been so busy, Abby and I used the quiet of rest time to catch up on the previous two days' school work. And, of course, we had school

...but not before I rang the bell. I started this goofy thing on our first day of school where I rang the "school bell" to start the day. It's a little bell I got from my great aunt's house when she passed away, and I've held onto for all these years. Now it rings almost everyday.

School is always a special time for Abby and me, but it was particularly wonderful for us yesterday. We made a pallet out of blankets and pillows, and we did the whole three hours' worth of work cuddled up together under a quilt.
Have I mentioned how much I love the fall? And homeschooling?
How about homeschooling in the fall?Before I turn in for the night, I'll leave you with my very favorite shot of the day.

I hope you like it. Because once I can catch up with editing sessions and designing invitations for a couple of orders, it's about to become our new header. :-)