Sunday, July 29, 2007

We have a home

Today was another big day for our family. Actually, in this case, it was a big day for our entire church family. Many of you have heard us talk about our church (The Well). For the past three and a half years, we have been homeless. The first year was spent meeting in an elementary school gym with the remainder spent in a movie theater. Now don't get me wrong, the theater was nice and all...stadium seating, bathrooms-o-plenty, and the sweet fragrance of buttered popcorn around the time we would take communion. And if we learned nothing else over this time, it is that God can and will meet anyone anywhere regardless of what the building or its walls look like. We also learned that the church truly is the people...not bricks and mortar. And in this case, the people were getting tired. So today, our church family finally walked into its new home. One that we can get into more than 4 hours per week. And boy was it sweet! I don't have any pictures, but I'll try to track some down soon. The music was great (Allison did a fine job on back-up vocals and keys), and Brent presented a fantastic message. Basically, it was centered around one phrase..."This is church." Do you find yourself mumbling that under your breath as if you've come to expect church to be the same old boring thing? Or do you find yourself asking that question, as if someone forgot all about why we really get together every week? Or do you put an exclamation point at the end like we do and feel the love of God through his Word, worship, and community? Do you finally find yourself in the middle of the irresistable revolution Jesus started a couple thousand years ago? "!" And we love it. You all come and visit.

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